Lou Gehrig: ALS case study take away

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative disease that can be caused by things such as a chemical imbalance, environmental factors, and even genetics. Lauren did her case study on Lou Gehrig, who was diagnosed with ALS when he was 36. ALS was not as well known before Lou Gehrig was diagnosed, but it is because of him that ALS is more popularly known throughout society. Lou Gehrig played for the New York Yankees, and started to notice signs and symptoms while he would be playing a game or doing simple daily activities such as tying his shoes. Shortly after being diagnosed, Lou Gehrig passed away only 3 years later.
I liked Lauren's OT intervention ideas in order to give Lou Gehrig the best life possible and I definitely think he would have benefitted from occupational therapy, if he would have had the chance to receive intervention. Overall, I enjoyed learning about Lauren's case study because I am a huge baseball fan and it made me want to learn and find out more about who Lou Gehrig was as a person.


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