Neuro Note #5: Multiple Sclerosis - Breea's Story
Multiple Sclerosis-Breea's Story
For my last neuro note, I wanted to watch something that had to do with a personal story and reflection. In class, we watched a personal YouTube video that was about a young girl that had Myasthenia Gravis. That video was very touching to me and it made me remember that life can really change in a moment. With this video in mind, I looked for a similar video that had to do with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I came across a video also about a young girl who had her life changed in a matter of hours. I chose this particular video because I wanted to see how she would overcome her diagnosis and live a normal life.
Breea was a normal girl who was living out her life like teenagers should. She was a high school student and a cheerleader at her school. At just 18 years old, she was diagnosed with severe onset Multiple Sclerosis, in December of her senior year. She was completely paralyzed on her left side and it all happened within a 24 hour time span. As time progressed, she became blind in her left eye and lost the ability to talk or swallow. Breea spent 6 weeks in the hospital, where she received constant love and company, all while trying to regain strength and function to her left side. As the video continued, Breea's achievements continued and she slowly started to regain her mobility. By the end of the video, to my amazement, she was able to walk out of the hospital. She returned home where she received at home therapy. As the video was coming to a close, I was amazed to see that Breea had not only regained her mobility, but she was back to learning how to be a cheerleader again. The video even showed a clip of her mother spotting her in a back bend. Overall, Breea's recovery was no less than incredible.
Personally, I thought this was an amazing video. Not just because she was able to overcome her diagnosis of MS, but because Breea is an inspiration to all. While she was attempting to regain her mobility, she was able to write her college admission letter, hang out with friends, go to school dances, and watch her cheer team perform. But what I was really impressed by was Breea's attitude. She was confident in herself and she never gave up on herself. She mentioned that she had the chance to give up and throw herself a "pity party," but instead, she decided to embrace what God had thrown at her and knew that she would never give up.
I don't know what I would do if something like a diagnosis of MS came into my life. I don't know if I would react the way Breea did. All I know is that I was impressed and humbled by the way Breea reacted and was able to overcome her diagnosis to be a normal teenager again. I admire her courage and strength to be as brave and accepting as she was, when she received her diagnosis.
breeareneebeatsms. (2012, September 8). Multiple Sclerosis - Breea's Story. [Video File]. Retrieved form
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