Media Project Cotton Ball Intervention

A. Who can benefit from this intervention?
  • Diagnosis: Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
    •  In addition, clients with ADHD, Dementia, a Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain  Injury, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis can benefit from this intervention.
  • Population: Clients at any age or clients that enjoy crafts can benefit from this intervention.
B. Problem/Barrier/Challenge Experienced by Target Population 
  • Upper and lower body weakness
  • Dexterity deficits 
  • Cognitive deficits 
  • Memory loss
C. Description New Products 
  • Cotton Ball Wreath
    • This will help the client gain upper and lower body strength while engaging in a fun and enjoyable craft.
  • Cotton Ball Under a Cup
    • While observing the mixing up of 3 cups, the client can improve his/her memory when asked to identify the cup with the cotton ball underneath it. 
  • Colored Cotton Balls 
    • The client can also improve his/her memory by rearranging 5 different colored cotton balls into their original order, after they have been mixed up. 

Cotton Ball Wreath 

- The client will be standing (depending on capability) with the wreath in front of them. The client    will reach to grab a cotton ball with out of a bucket, with a clothespin, then proceed to place the   cotton ball on the wreath. The client will then bend down to pick up a cotton ball with a clothespin, from a bucket on the ground, then proceed to place a cotton ball on the wreath. (Optional): Once the wreath is completed, the client can place a burlap bow on the wreath to make it a home decor piece.

 Cotton Ball Under a Cup
- There will be 3 cups and a cotton ball will be placed under one of the cups. The client will proceed to follow the cup with the cotton ball underneath it. After the 3 cups have been mixed up, the client will be asked to identify the cup that has the cotton ball placed under it. 

Colored Cotton Balls 
 - There will be 5 different colored cotton balls placed in front of the client. The cotton balls will be mixed up (challenge can be increased or decreased, depending on client's condition) and the client will then be asked to put the cotton balls back into their original color order.

Original Media Project Poster for OT 537 (Neurological Aspects) 

Chantel, Katelyn. (26 November 2013). [Personal Blog]. Retrieved from


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