OT 532: Professionalism Group Facilitation

Cameron, Chelsea, and I lead our group that was based around the concept of time management. We began the group meeting by introducing ourselves and talking a little bit about what we would be addressing. After a mini ice breaker, we moved into our official ice breaker than consisted of each group member going around the circle and stating things that they think might be a waste of time and things they do that are considered good time management skills. Afterwards, we did an activity that involved each group member using imaginary money in the amount of $86,400 and converting it into things in life they want to "spend" it on. We spent the remaining time of the group meeting discussing what the group members used their money for and the overall purpose of the activity and time management, in general. 

For me, the most significant part was during the $86,400 activity. After going around to everyone in the group, it was very eye opening to hear that everyones' answers were very much alike. Not in a cliche and unoriginal sort of way, but in a way that was refreshing. Everyone took the activity seriously and decided to use their "money" on things that are meaningful and have something to do with making their life better for themselves, their significant others, or family. It was nice to see that everyone had good priorities on how they should spend their "money" which then proceeded to carry over in how they would spend their days all while demonstrating good time management skills. At first, when we began the activity and waited on everyone to write down their allowance, I assumed that everyone would write down things that weren't important or things that didn't pertain to good lifestyle choices. This might be related to the fact that usually when people come into a lot of money, they have a tendency to use it on things that are not necessary or needed. Instead, the group proved me wrong and came up with things that are important in order to live their best life possible. 

Now that I have experienced my first group facilitation, I realize that it is definitely not as easy as I thought it would be, but it also wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. I understand more about the group facilitation process and i'm beginning and still learning about what it really takes to be a good leader. This makes me feel more confident in my abilities to lead the next group by myself and even possibly lead a group in future fieldwork experiences. In the future, I will make sure I am more positive in my abilities and not doubt myself when it comes to leading a group. 


  1. Thank you for a well-led group and for a very authentic reflection in your blog post. I can see you moving toward a true OT leader. Sasse


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